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Press Releases

Nuvotech Establishes Educational Distribution

July 5, 2005  (London, UK) -- Nuvotech  is pleased to announce that Movie Outline 2.0, its popular outlining software for screenwriters, is now available at discounted rates for students and…

Nuvotech Releases Movie Outline 2.0 for Mac OS X

April 6, 2005  (London, UK) --Nuvotech is pleased to announce the release of Movie Outline 2.0, an innovative screenplay outlining program, for the Apple Macintosh OS X platform. Screenwriting Software…

Nuvotech Releases Movie Outline Reference eBook

October 13, 2004  (London, UK) -- Nuvotech is pleased to announce the release of the Movie Outline Reference eBook, which can also serve as a companion for its screenplay outlining software…

Nuvotech Releases Movie Outline 2.0

August 9, 2004  (London, UK) -- Nuvotech is pleased to announce the release of Movie Outline 2.0 - an innovative screenplay outlining program with powerful new features. New Screenwriting Features In…

Nuvotech Releases Movie Outline Reference Plugins

July 8, 2004  (London, UK) -- Nuvotech is pleased to announce the release of new Reference Plugins for its screenplay outlining software Movie Outline 1.0. New Movie Breakdown Plugins Spider-Man (2002) Fantasy…

Nuvotech Releases Movie Outline 1.0

March 5, 2004  (London, UK) -- Nuvotech is pleased to announce the release of Movie Outline 1.0 screenplay outlining software for both the novice and professional screenwriter. What is Movie Outline?…