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Script Writing Tips & Articles

Getting Started on a Screenplay

Writing a script is a dream for many people. You might be an excellent writer who has come up with an innovative concept, but have no idea where to start. With research and practice it’s possible to learn how to write a professional-quality script. Here are some tips to get you started:

— Before putting pen to paper, you should read as many screenplays as you possibly can. This will help you to pick up basic screenwriting skills such as how scripts are constructed, the kind of language that is used and how directions are written. As a general rule, you should only include as much detail as is absolutely necessary.

— Read every book and reliable online resource on screenwriting techniques you can find. Books are particularly useful for learning how other screenwriters work and what the nuances of a successful screenplay are. Make sure that when looking online for information, you opt for advice from reputable sources as otherwise you may find bad advice which can hinder your progress. We have a great resource section packed with useful articles to help you along your screenwriting journey. These articles and other advice could also give you the inspiration and belief needed to take the first steps on your screenwriting journey.

— Before beginning work on your final script, you should learn how to write an outline of your story, as this will make it easier to keep the dialogue flowing naturally throughout. By taking time to map out the direction of your plot, you’ll find it easier to write a script that is exciting, fast paced and interesting.

— Invest in some screenwriting software. Producers and agents are unlikely to even look at a screenplay that isn’t correctly formatted, and screenplay writing software will help you get it right. Screenwriting software will also aid your attempts at producing original dialogue and developing three-dimensional characters.