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Nuvotech Signs French Reseller

September 12, 2005  (London, UK) — Nuvotech, creators of Movie Outline screenwriting software, has just signed a deal with French online retailer Moviesoft to supply its popular screenwriting product to an even wider market in Europe.

Screenwriting Software Distribution Strategy

“We are delighted to have Moviesoft as our partner and hope that this deal is the beginning of an evolving relationship that not only broadens the reach of Movie Outline across the Atlantic to a flourishing film-making community in Europe, but in the long term, directly steers the development of our product to target this customer base through localized versions” comments Dan Bronzite, CEO of Nuvotech.

About Movie Outline

Movie Outline is an innovative step-outlining application allowing screenwriters to plan the structure of their screen story before writing the screenplay. It enables simple story planning with flexible scene reorganization and simultaneous reference to successful Hollywood movies. By streamlining the creation process of the entire outline structure, Movie Outline gives the screenwriter the space to think while constructing their story.

About Moviesoft

Moviesoft is specialised in the sales of pre-production software. Since 2001, Moviesoft has developed a vast expertise in screenwriting and film production software. The company actively participated in the adaptation and localisation of the International French versions of many popular screenwriting applications and provides training and services for scheduling and budgeting software. In 2006, a coordination office was set up in London to promote European development towards English speaking users. Moviesoft has now over 3,500 customers in Europe among independent filmmakers, Studios, TV and Production companies.

About Nuvotech

Movie Outline is developed and distributed internationally by Nuvotech, a British technology company based in London, founded by British Director and Screenwriter Dan Bronzite to publish innovative software for the creative industry.