Script Writing Articles About Rewriting

Writing is Deleting: Script Editing Techniques For Screenwriters

Script-a-thon co-director Matt Giegerich gives practical advice on rewriting your screenplay.

Script Notes: Feedback For The Faint-Hearted

Screenwriter and script consultant Julie Gray gives practical advice on the best way to give feedback.

Rewrite Your Script: 3 Angles of Attack for Rewriting A Screenplay

Author of Your Screenplay Sucks! William M. Akers gives practical advice on how to approach a rewrite of your script.

Rewriting Your Screenplay: The Road to your Audience

Gordy Hoffman, winner of the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award at the Sundance Film Festival, shares his experience of rewriting movie scr…

Techniques to Establish Story Pacing For Your Script

Writer and Teacher Gerry Visco discusses the importance of effective script editing.

Script Rewrites: How To Find Weaknesses In Your Script

Don Bledsoe, Founder of ScriptNurse, gives practcal advice on how to get the most out of your screenplay.

Tracking Story Thru-Lines: The Secret To Successful Rewrites

Award-winning writer and story consultant Catherine Ann Jones offers an insight into rewriting your screenplay.

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