• You're spreading yourself too thin with your full-time job, social life, family responsibilities and/or other interests that prevent you from finding enough quality writing time
  • You're working on too many scripts at once. Halfway done with this one, a third of the way with that, stuck with no third Act for another
  • You're so infatuated (or obsessed) with your idea that it's turning into a creepy little Pygmalion scene or your psychotic Frankenstein monster. You just can't let it go. You're constantly tweaking and revising the same scenes over and over again
  • You're spending too much time thinking about the deal you're convinced you'll get or making notes about which stars to get the script to
  • You get mad at the script, as if it's a recalcitrant child who won't listen
  • You somehow expect the screenplay to fix itself
  • You're waiting for your Muse to do her part and you haven't realized that she's like that girl/guy who dumped you and left town without a forwarding address
  • You have negative people around you who are discouraging
  • You're just lazy and more of a slacker than you thought