Screenwriting Tag Results for "casablanca"

Casablanca: I Stick My Head Out For Nobody

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this pivotal scene from the classic Casablanca.

Hidden Structures In Great Stories And Their Enormous Power

Writer and story consultant James Bonnet dissects story structure's common thread through classic movies.

How To Add Emotional Depth To Your Dialogue

Marilyn offers some practical advice on how to better understand your characters.

How to Find the Concept for Your Screenplay, TV Pilot or Novel

Marilyn explains the importance of drawing upon universal emotions in screenplay writing.

How To Use Christmas Eve To Raise The Stakes Of Your Screenplay

How using Christmas Eve as a backdrop to your story can help your script.

Scriptwriting For Beginners: Learning The Basics Of Screenwriting

Produced screenwriter Danek S. Kaus shares some insightful tips that every new scriptwriter should consider when working on their first…

Story Structure: The Tragedy, Mystery and Romance Of Genre

Writer and story consultant James Bonnet dissects story structure.

The 11 Laws of Great Storytelling For the Movies

Professor, screenwriter and script consultant Jeffrey Hirschberg reveals the key elements of writing an engaging screenplay.

Three Great Ways To Find Your Main Character's Flaw

British screenwriter and script editor Dave Herman explains how your protagonist's story arc and character flaw should be intrinsically…

Use Storytelling to Create Depth and Subtext in Your Screenplay

Marilyn offers some great advice on how to develop characters and create depth and subtext in your screenplay.

Use the Cultural Context of Your Screenplay To Improve Your Plot

Marilyn's advice to let the world around you influence your screen story.

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