Screenwriting Tag Results for "jaws"

Jaws: Who's The Baddie?

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this great scene from Spielberg's Jaws.

Porco Rosso: Pig Or Prince?

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this poignant scene from Hayao Miyazaki's animated feature Porco Rosso.

Scriptwriting For Beginners: Learning The Basics Of Screenwriting

Produced screenwriter Danek S. Kaus shares some insightful tips that every new scriptwriter should consider when working on their first…

Story Structure: The Tragedy, Mystery and Romance Of Genre

Writer and story consultant James Bonnet dissects story structure.

Studio Pitch Meetings: An Amusing Look At Pitching Your Script

Quigly Down Under scribe John Hill's amusing POV on the stressful art of pitching your screenplay.

The 11 Laws of Great Storytelling For the Movies

Professor, screenwriter and script consultant Jeffrey Hirschberg reveals the key elements of writing an engaging screenplay.

The Art Of Plotting Your Story & Screenplay Structure

Screenwriter, teacher and author Linda Cowgill discusses the elements of effective story design.

The Essence Of Story Writing: Modern-Day Films Analyzed

Writer, teacher and story consultant James Bonnet breaks down story into seven critical elements using examples from modern-day films.

The Third Man: Shadow In The Shadow

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this iconic "Movie Moment" from Carol Reed's classic The Third Man.

Three Great Ways To Find Your Main Character's Flaw

British screenwriter and script editor Dave Herman explains how your protagonist's story arc and character flaw should be intrinsically…

Use Storytelling to Create Depth and Subtext in Your Screenplay

Marilyn offers some great advice on how to develop characters and create depth and subtext in your screenplay.

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