Screenwriting Tag Results for "oscar"

Act “As If” to Truly Write Better in Half an Hour

Marilyn applies an acting techqniue to help improve your writing.

Can You Really Teach Screenwriting?

Professor Richard Walter tackles the controversial question of whether or not you can teach the craft of script writing.

Captain Phillips: Shock Ending

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this powerful scene from Captain Phillips.

Chariots Of Fire: Running With Synths

Script Consultant Karel Segers looks back at Oscar winning classic Chariots of Fire to see whether it stands the test of time.

How To Write A Professional Screenplay: Tips From the Chair of the UCLA Screenwriting Program

Sound advice on the Dos and Don'ts of script writing by longtime Chair of the UCLA Graduate Screenwriting Program Richard Walter.

How to Write Your Screenplay or Novel Better and Faster

Marilyn offers some great advice on how to get your writing project off the ground.

Interview With Author And Story Consultant Michael Hauge: Part 1

Interview with story consultant, lecturer and author of "Writing Screenplays That Sell" Michael Hauge

Interview with Richard Walter - Chair of the UCLA Screenwriting Program

Questions and Answer Feature with the longtime Chair of the UCLA Graduate Screenwriting Program Richard Walter

JCVD: Redemption

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this powerful redemptive "Movie moment" from JCVD.

Network: Hell In The Boardroom

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this powerful scene from Sidney Lumet's Network

Script Rewrites: How To Find Weaknesses In Your Script

Don Bledsoe, Founder of ScriptNurse, gives practcal advice on how to get the most out of your screenplay.

Taxi Driver: Woman In The Window

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this powerful scene from Scorsese's Taxi Driver.

The 11 Laws of Great Storytelling For the Movies

Professor, screenwriter and script consultant Jeffrey Hirschberg reveals the key elements of writing an engaging screenplay.

The Hollywood Film Festival: A Screenwriter’s Guide To Networking, Self-Marketing & Boosting Your Career

Produced screenwriter and ScriptTips Editor Dan Bronzite reviews the 2013 Hollywood Film Festival and explains how screenwriters can be…

The Hollywood Screenwriter As A Multiple-Personality

Quigly Down Under scribe John Hill discusses the many guises of a screenwriter.

The Struggles Of The Screenwriter: Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Practical screenwriting advice from an industry pro to help you get your script on track.

Tracking Story Thru-Lines: The Secret To Successful Rewrites

Award-winning writer and story consultant Catherine Ann Jones offers an insight into rewriting your screenplay.

Start Your Next Screenplay or Novel with Script Studio®

Professional Scriptwriting Software For Mac & Windows