Screenwriting Tag Results for "pilot"

How The Past Can Block Your Storytelling

Marilyn reveals how dealing with past events in your life can help move your writing career in the right direction.

How to Find the Concept for Your Screenplay, TV Pilot or Novel

Marilyn explains the importance of drawing upon universal emotions in screenplay writing.

Mad Men: Lifting The Veil

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this powerful scene from Mad Men.

Sitcom Pilots & The Promise of the Premise

Successful TV writer and producer Sheldon Bull explains what makes a good sitcom and how to set up an effective premise in the Pilot ep…

Television Script Format

Script analyst Diane House sheds some light on the structure and formatting of teleplays.

Unlikable Main Characters

Screenwriter, teacher and script consultant Erik Bork explains how sometimes empathy is more important than likability.

Writing A Sitcom Pilot: Theme

Successful TV writer and producer Sheldon Bull discusses the importance of choosing a strong central "theme" when writing your spec sit…

Writing For Television: The Top 10 Reasons to Write a Spec TV Pilot

Emmy-nominated producer, writer and script consultant Ellen Sandler reveals the importance of writing spec pilots.

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