Screenwriting Tag Results for "play"

Casablanca: I Stick My Head Out For Nobody

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this pivotal scene from the classic Casablanca.

How to Find the Concept for Your Screenplay, TV Pilot or Novel

Marilyn explains the importance of drawing upon universal emotions in screenplay writing.

How to Keep Your Story From Stalling

How to write better stories by keeping your stakes high and cutting exposition.

How To Make Your Climactic Sequence "Pop"

Marilyn offers great advice on how to create an effective climactic sequence.

How To Write A Professional Screenplay: Tips From the Chair of the UCLA Screenwriting Program

Sound advice on the Dos and Don'ts of script writing by longtime Chair of the UCLA Graduate Screenwriting Program Richard Walter.

How To Write Screenplay Dialogue

How to write great dialogue for your film screenplay and how to write high structure, high concept movies

Second Act Problems

Author and screenwriter Steven Pressfield offers some practical advice on how to battle through and overcome Act Two screenwriting obst…

The 11 Laws of Great Storytelling For the Movies

Professor, screenwriter and script consultant Jeffrey Hirschberg reveals the key elements of writing an engaging screenplay.

The Benefits Of Outlining

Author K.M. Weiland discusses the benefits of planning your story.

Writing Good Log Lines

Author, screenwriter and story consultant Dr. Stan Williams offers some great screenwriting tips for constructing powerful and succinct…

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