Screenwriting Tag Results for "produce"

Act “As If” to Truly Write Better in Half an Hour

Marilyn applies an acting techqniue to help improve your writing.

Citizen Screenwriter

Screenwriter, author and teacher Charles Deemer discusses the screenwriter's social responsibility within the "Real World".

How To Conquer Writer's Block

Steven Barnes delves into every writer's nightmare - the dreaded Writer's Block.

The 11 Laws of Great Storytelling For the Movies

Professor, screenwriter and script consultant Jeffrey Hirschberg reveals the key elements of writing an engaging screenplay.

The Creative Business of Screenwriting

Marilyn offers advice on how to treat your writing career like a business.

The Third Man: Shadow In The Shadow

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this iconic "Movie Moment" from Carol Reed's classic The Third Man.

What I Learned About Screenwriting From My Composer

Produced playwright and fiction author Persephone Vandegrift applies her experience of working on a soundtrack to her film to developin…

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