Screenwriting Tag Results for "professional"

20 Things To Think About When You Option Your Screenplay - Part I

Screenwriter Chip Street discusses the common yet often complex matter of script optioning.

A Filmmakers & Screenwriters Guide To Networking

Filmmaker Chris Jones offers some top tips for making those all important business connections.

A Glossary Of Screenwriting Terms & Filmmaking Definitions

Common terms and definitions used in Film Production & Screenwriting such as spec script, shooting script (final draft), intercut, voic…

Can You Really Teach Screenwriting?

Professor Richard Walter tackles the controversial question of whether or not you can teach the craft of script writing.

Focal Points: Screenplay Theme, Structure & Characters

How the wrong theme, extraneous subplots and ill-considered characterization can sink a screenplay.

How To Tell An Amateur

Emmy-nominated screenwriter and director Nathan Marshall offers some great advice for screenwriters.

How To Use Shot Headings In Your Screenplay

Writer & teacher Christopher Riley offers some great formatting tips for screenwriters.

How To Write A Professional Screenplay: Tips From the Chair of the UCLA Screenwriting Program

Sound advice on the Dos and Don'ts of script writing by longtime Chair of the UCLA Graduate Screenwriting Program Richard Walter.

Pitching Your Script - Questions Every Producer Has About Your Screenplay

Writer, producer and author Hal Croasmun helps you make the right pitch.

Rewrite Your Script: 3 Angles of Attack for Rewriting A Screenplay

Author of Your Screenplay Sucks! William M. Akers gives practical advice on how to approach a rewrite of your script.

Screenplay Structure: Building Your Story From the Ground Up

Screenwriter and author Robert Gregory Browne helps lay the foundations for a structurally sound screenplay.

The 11 Laws of Great Storytelling For the Movies

Professor, screenwriter and script consultant Jeffrey Hirschberg reveals the key elements of writing an engaging screenplay.

The Right Hook: How To Secure Literary Representation With Your Best Logline & Pitch

Producer Marvin V. Acuna explains how important it is to get your logline and pitch right when seeking literary representation.

When Is It Okay For A Screenwriter To Work For Free?

Screenwriter Mark Sanderson discusses an issue facing many new screenwriters starting out in the business.

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